
spread his cape out."At that,I threw out my arms and Looked
into,, the, fan,making; my towel-cape flap like a flag in the
fan.The cigerrette smoke, made, far awesome smoke.The moon-
light shoo tang through the window was the light behind me* ^
Now I looked just like the man in this room."I was scared
shitless.I ran,or crawled across the room and grabbed a
sword that was; just laying around.Lord knows where that got
stouten from.I slowly enticed the black figure, as I eased my
way around the walls of the room.I wanted to get, out the
door.He didn't move when I did like I'd hoped he would.This
FAGOT, .looked like DRACULA,and this, was all Paula Dixon’s;
fault.I slowly comprehended my next move,when the fagot-
bastard pulls out a knife and shines it in the. light*I guess
he thought I was gonna tell, someone that I, had found this.
room and, would tell the policeaahout it.Either that or he
thought I was going to kill him,which is reason enough to ^
get, excited.This was straightput of a low-budget horror
film,but it was even cheaper.Here,you get killed for free.
Finally,I hauled ass at the man.It turned out to he nothing
hut a Goddamned empty. cloakiA damn doak.lt was a Goddamn
ghost,or a gimmick or something fucky like that.I. clobbered
that thing,and I wept flying right out into the bar area.
And y'no what...Every Goddamn person in the, joint was lagh-
ing their balls off,Some j,oke..But my story doesn't end right
there.No,.there' s, more.I ran out into the streets yelling
for Paula Dixon."Istood up on the counter which I j.ust
jumped over while acting out the last situation."Paula,Paula
Dixon.Where are you?C'mon,let's talk.But y'no what I really ^
wanted to do?I wanted to ring her Goddamn necklThat's what
I wanted to do.I wanted to throw hpr in the sewers and let
the rats eat her till there's no more of her left.I wanted
her dead.Ya hear me!?DeadJI stalked,the streets for forty-
five. minutes calling her npme out so it echoed."Then I ran ^
outside and began calling her name in.the empty,midnight
street...and it echoed."Finally,after enough time to settle
down,she wearily climbed out of a window that I think she
- Author
- mark thomas